A STUDY ON THE WRESTLER'S WEIGHT CONTROL Wrestling 선수(選手)의 체중(體重) 조절(調節)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) -11개국(個國) 선수(選手)를 중심(中心)으로-
鄭東求TongGuChung , 尹喜重HeeJungYun
16(0) 1-7, 1978
A STUDY ON THE WRESTLER'S WEIGHT CONTROL Wrestling 선수(選手)의 체중(體重) 조절(調節)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) -11개국(個國) 선수(選手)를 중심(中心)으로-
鄭東求TongGuChung , 尹喜重HeeJungYun
This study aim to obtains the information of the duration and reduction of weight control. Total 89 wrestlers (10 American college’s selected wrestlers who came to Korea in April, 1977; 34 candidates for world Championship from Canada and other 5 countries in 1977; 29 candidates for World Wrestling Championship from Iran and other 3 countries in Afghanistan, August, 1977; and 16 Korean National Team of wrestling in Tae Reung Town) were requested to answer the questionnaire about the duration and volumn-(quantity) of weight controlling framed by the researchers form April, 1977 till April, 1978.
The results are as follows;
1) The average duration of weight controlling of Korean National Team is 8 days, and foreign wrestlers 6 days. The owerage reduction of weight controlling of Korean National Team is 8%, and foreign wrestlers 6%.
2) The method of weight controlling are diffe ent; Korean National Team controls by Wrestlers themselves, and foreign wrestlers, especially Bulgariand, by the direction of coaching staffs.
3) Among the studied countries, U.S.A., Bulgaria, Iran, Roumania, Poland and Korea are the gold medal countries and their average duration of weight control is 6 days, and their volume is 6% of their weight.
To comparitively analyze the self-concept between team sports players and individual sports, players, the writer has chosen36 team sports players and 21 individual sports players as objects of the research.
Following are the detailed aims of this study.
1) What are the differences between team sports placers and individual sports placers in self-concept as a whole ?
2) What are the differences in scores of self-concept factors between team sports players and individual sports players ?
The results are given in the following:
1) individual sports players were more positive towrds themselves than team players in self-concept.
2) As for the scores by self-concept factors of team and individual sports pacers, individual sports players showed bettor scores than team sport players except in self-evaluation, self-accommodotion and familial self-concept.
The total self-concept variables score was P<0.01(1%), exterior variables score P<0.05(5%) and distributive score P<0.001(0.1%) all showing relatively similar scores.
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A STUDY ON MENTAL CHANGE THROUGH SPORT GAME : Centered around College players in Seoul 운동경기(運動競技)를 통(通)한 심적변화(心的變化)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) (Ⅰ) -서울시내(市內) 대학선수(大學選手)를 중심(中心)으로-
16(0) 13-25, 1978
A STUDY ON MENTAL CHANGE THROUGH SPORT GAME : Centered around College players in Seoul 운동경기(運動競技)를 통(通)한 심적변화(心的變化)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) (Ⅰ) -서울시내(市內) 대학선수(大學選手)를 중심(中心)으로-
I. This study is to provide for basic data to improve the right technology an to cultivate good nature as sport playarby researching and analyzing mental obstacle of college sport players through various sport games.
II. A survey was conducted with 250 college sport game players of soccer foot ball, basket ball and baseball of the teams winning Seat No. 1 to Seat No. 5 in the spring of 1977 by distributing questionaries.
III. Conclusion
1. The purpose of college players was to become excellent players in the future and they wanted to run business after graduating from college.
2. The motive to play sport, was due to their nature and interest but they did not satisfy witf his present position to play sport game.
3. Before and after the game, they had a great burden to win the game for the honor of their teams.
4. When the team is losing, they were at a loss with hastiness and when the team is defeated, they, tried to win next game with more efforts.
5. There was a distance between coacher and players, the players wished understanding and generosity from their coacher.
6. Players wanted to have emotional education for cultivating their intelligence and showed a tendency to concentrate their energy on sports.
IV. Coach’s scientific training method was requesed and players should make efforts to alleviate their mental burden with sport game through the test of character, aptitude.
Key Words
In Physical Education majoring and nonmajoring Student's attitude about Sports 체육전공(體育專攻) 및 비전공(非專攻) 학생(學生)의 스포오츠(Sports)에 대(對)한 태도(態度)
16(0) 27-40, 1978
In Physical Education majoring and nonmajoring Student's attitude about Sports 체육전공(體育專攻) 및 비전공(非專攻) 학생(學生)의 스포오츠(Sports)에 대(對)한 태도(態度)
In this research it is my purpose that to establish a reasonble direction for teaching sprt. for this parpose, investigation and analysis of student’s attitude towards and their image on sport may be resulted in such fonts as follows:
1. All the student, mqioring students and non-majoring student, think that sport may do much for building up one’s physical strgenth, and only majoring students think sport may derelop one’s body abkormaly.
2. Both parties… One is consisted of majoring students and the other non-majoring students…have the same opinion that sports keepsone’s body and does not shorter one’s life, while majoring girl students alone give negatire responess on the point that sports keeps one’s doby body.
3. Non-majoring students, especially university students, agree that sport is necessary to city-dwellers.
4. Majoring students think sports makes no savage and also it makes a woman manly.
5. Both parties shew negative responses on the point that sports makes one reckless, and mzoring students think sport renders one simple and unspeculative.
6. Majoring students are more negative than non-majoring students to the point that sport may direct one’s feeing and may highten it. Bat thgeythink sport not only wants much time and money but also losers one’s school record.
7 Both parties consent that sport may help students improve relationships among classmate and sport may promote student’s law-abing Spirit.
8. Onthe point that sport is "good" and "noble”,both parties share same opinion, On other points, majoring student’s responses are more negatire than non-majoring students:
9, While majoring students regard sport as difficult and weak in itself, non-majoring students do it as storng, Especially, non-majoring girl-students consider sport-as clerer and manly in itself.
10. majoring students look upon sport as rapaid, anti ye and simple. and non-majoring students think of spontaneous.
Such facts revgealthat non-majoring students’s attitude towards sport is an affirmative one but that of maoring student’s is a neative onge.
These resalts show that non-majoring hare a tendency to take a fine vien to sport as they go up to advanced shoots, on the contrary the more negative tendency students have the higher they go up. Such negative tendecy may be fond remarkably among girl-students.
Consequently, I come to the conclusion that wgent is establishment of a vabasble view of sport which may readjast gymmastics, negative attitude towards sport.
Key Words
A Study on the Conciousness and the Actual Conditions of Actual Conditions of Intramural Sports Activites -Especially on the students in Academic Boy's and Girl's high Schools in Seoul City- 과외(課外) Sports 활동(活動)의 의식(意識) 및 실태(實態)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) -서울시내(市內) 인문계(人文系) 고등학교(高等學校) 남녀학생(男女學生)을 중심(中心)으로-
16(0) 41-51, 1978
A Study on the Conciousness and the Actual Conditions of Actual Conditions of Intramural Sports Activites -Especially on the students in Academic Boy's and Girl's high Schools in Seoul City- 과외(課外) Sports 활동(活動)의 의식(意識) 및 실태(實態)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) -서울시내(市內) 인문계(人文系) 고등학교(高等學校) 남녀학생(男女學生)을 중심(中心)으로-
1. The Purpose of study
Nowadays mast high school students in vigorous growth age do not have enough time to enjoy intramural sports activities as well as regular physical education classes, because they are compelled to devote themselves to preparing the entrance examination to college. Discovering a few resulting problems in regular physical education and purification of emotion, the investigator aimed at finding out a directive post for promoting physical strength, making sports activities part of daily life, improving regular physical growth of teenagers, practising life-long physical education, and making good use of leisure time by grasping and analysing the intramural sports actirities in academic high schools in seoul city.
II. Method of study
880 students in 12 boy’s and 10 girl’s academic high schools in Seoul city were selected at randum to answer the questionaire which was constructed with 20 questionaire items.
III. Summary
Grasping and analysing the consciousness and the acutal conditious of the intramural sports activities of the students in Academie Boy’s and Girl’s high school seoul city.the investigator has got the foolowing results :
1) Necessity of antramural sports activities.
Necessity 493 Students(72.18%
Net eager 124 Students (18.15%)
Not necessary 66students (9.60%)
2) Reasons of being necessary.
No restraint in kinds of events
163 Students (33.06%)
Great effect in building up healthy body
142 Students (28.80%)
In adequate regular curriculum
(in sports activity)
104 Students (21.09%)
Dismissing worldly thoughts
67 Students (13.59%)
For human relations
17 Students (3.7%)
3) Reasons of not being necessary
Hindrance in studying school lessons
20 Students (30.30%)
Other regular lessons
19 Students (28.78%)
No good conditions
19 Students (28.78%)
Stron physical health
8 Students (12.12%)
4) Practising the intramural sports activities though school life.
Not practised 450 Students (65.88%)
Only in club activity class
126 Students (18.45%)
Pracfised 82 Students (22.28%)
5) Main events practised in intramual sports activities
Physical health exereise
54 Students (50.46%)
Ball games 33 Students (37.84%)
Match games 8 Students (7.47%)
Athletic Sports
5 Students (4.67%)
Gumnastic sports
5 Students (4.67%)
Others 2 Students (1.87%)
6) Objects of intramural sports activities
Friends 63 Students (58.88%)
Alone 19 Students (17.75%)
Seniors or Juniors
14 Students (13.08%)
Instructors 11 Students (10.28%)
7) Frequency a week
Two times 58 Students (54.20%)
Three times 21 Students (19.63%)
One times 12 Students (11,21%)
Every day 10 Students ( 9.35%)
Four times 6 Students (5.610%)
8) Time required at one time.
An hour 64 Students (59.81%)
Two hours 37 Students (34.58%)
Three hours 6 Students ( 5.61%)
9) Satisfaction at the present sports facilities in, schools.
Short 336 Students (49.19%)
Ordinary 272 Students (39.82%)
Satisfied 75 Students (10.98%)
10) Student’s opinions about promoting intramural sports activities
Expansion of facilities and place
83 Students (25.93%)
Events for purifying emotion
68 Students (21.25%)
teacher’s guidance through group activities
an event a student under
52 Students (16.25%)
on obliqation 38 Students (11.87%)
special plan for intramural sports activities after school
33 Students (10.31%)
matchs between classes
32 Students (10.00%)
IV. Proposals
The investigator is going to make proposals about several problems by grasping and analysing the consciousness and the actual confitions of mtramurd sports activities.
1) Development of regurar shoot-teaching should be changeable and inclusive enough to make smooth the physical education of school and Promote individuals Physical conditions.
2) In all sports activities sports programs as recreation without assuming a burden in Mind should be developed considering that important are the sportaueous desire and problems in guiding students for motivating interests in sports.
3) Elaborate plans for intramural sports activities of school should be established and careful interests in them also taken so as to improve students sports skills and promote studen’s physical conditions.
4) Agter school the play ground should not be used by only the members ofactetic club but it should be opened to all the students
Consequently large play grounds and adequate facilities should be supplied and school authorities should also try to meet them.
5) Through regular class teaching and intramural sports activities all the teachers should take a part in guiding students with great care.
Educational changes could be accomplished by making it possible to use crertively the precious freedom and leisure time gifted to students.
Promotion of comprehensive student culture, effective shool work, improvement and formation of human relations and opportunities of self-expression, dissolution of spiritual frustration and stress, refinement of emotion, and ability development reguired for hearlhy and sincere shool life-for the purpose of a chieving all these main aims, the five proposals moutioned above should be improved successful, andthey, therefore, could be an imporzant directing post in making up policice for promoting effective physical education in school.
Key Words
An Experimental Study on the Influence of Static Electricity caused by Synthetic Fibres on the Physiological Function of Human Body (Centering about Bioelectrical Observation) 합성섬유류(合成纖維類)로 인(因)한 체외(體外) 정전기(靜電氣) 현상(現象)이 인체(人體)의 생리적(生理的) 기능(機能)에 미치는 영향(影響) -생체전기학적(生體電氣學的) 관찰(觀察)을 중심(中心)으로 -
16(0) 53-69, 1978
An Experimental Study on the Influence of Static Electricity caused by Synthetic Fibres on the Physiological Function of Human Body (Centering about Bioelectrical Observation) 합성섬유류(合成纖維類)로 인(因)한 체외(體外) 정전기(靜電氣) 현상(現象)이 인체(人體)의 생리적(生理的) 기능(機能)에 미치는 영향(影響) -생체전기학적(生體電氣學的) 관찰(觀察)을 중심(中心)으로 -
The purpose of this study is to observe in the asopect of bio-electrics from the effect of static electricity, which is generated from our clothes made synthetic fibre materials, on our physiloigical function and electric impedance of our body.
The experiement has been made on two male college students and two female collge Students under three different dircumastnaces(first, under the circumstance when they waar cotten clothes, second in synthetic fibre clothes and third in synthetic fibre clother given friction) And in each circumstance, quantity of electric charge of clothes, pulse frequency, blood pressure, breath, rate, ECG, EMG and PGR have measured.
The following results have been aquired from the above mentioned experiment.
The quantity of electric charge is +2∼+3 KV when the subject wears cotton clothes and -6∼-17 KV when it wears synthetic fibre clothes. The quantity of electric charge is about three times as large in the first case as in the last case.
Electric charge, when applied to our body form outside, brings some effects in our physiological function, such as the increase of pulse rate and blood pressure.
The potential difference of EMG, thougt it is affected by the type of physical activity. varies with the quantity of electric impedance.
PGR is affected by static electricity, though the results are also variable according to the condition of experiment and the type of subject.
From the facts observer we can conclude that the frictional electricity generated by synthetic fibre clothes has an effect on physi-ogical funcion, electic impedence and PGR.
Assuming that we are affected adversely by static electricity, we must say that we add another pollutant to our circumstance which already contains too many polluting substances.
And accordingly, we must develop some substances which we use for counter acing such effect. And beside, it is necessary for us to study further the relations between static electricity and sex, constitional difference, physical strength and physical function of an individual.
Key Words
The study of Electroencephagram Changes during Playing Volley ball (Ⅰ) 배구시(排球時)의 뇌파변화(腦波變化)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) (Ⅰ) -Toss, Spike 동작(動作)을 중심(中心)으로-
金鍾勳JongHunKim , 朴仁鎬InHooPack
16(0) 71-79, 1978
The study of Electroencephagram Changes during Playing Volley ball (Ⅰ) 배구시(排球時)의 뇌파변화(腦波變化)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) (Ⅰ) -Toss, Spike 동작(動作)을 중심(中心)으로-
金鍾勳JongHunKim , 朴仁鎬InHooPack
This thesis is for the analysis of EEG-changes the toss or spike at a volley ball game, we can estimate the process of change in the action-potential of nerve cells in the celebral cortex, this process has three parts-EEGs at rest, in Motion, and recovering.
7 person of subject is like the following that EEG test is three times, measurement position is Frontal, cental parietal, occipital.
The results of this study are as follows.
1. Alpha wave distinguished high under stable EEG.
2. EEG of Eye ball bling seem to Bata wave.
3. EEG of playing Toss distinguished Atlas and Abnormal wave in Frontal position.
4. EEG of cental is small sharp spike on times during the Toss
5. Parietal, occipital is low wave during Toss play
6. Wave that playing strong spike motion changes muscle contraction.
Key Words
The Mechanic Analisis of the Crouching Start CROUCHING START의 역학적(力學的) 분석(分析) [Ⅱ] - 하지관절(下肢關節)의 각도(角度)를 중심(中心)으로 -
裵永相YeoungSangBae , 金正默JeoungMukKim
16(0) 81-88, 1978
The Mechanic Analisis of the Crouching Start CROUCHING START의 역학적(力學的) 분석(分析) [Ⅱ] - 하지관절(下肢關節)의 각도(角度)를 중심(中心)으로 -
裵永相YeoungSangBae , 金正默JeoungMukKim
This is objects to assume of the effectual crouching compared and analyzed each other between the shapes which is assumed in terms of mechanic and which is treated by today’s runners.
According to this study, the conclusion is as follows;
1) The Angle of all articulations of body in order to display the most powerful and great power rapid at the moment of starting is as follows;
2) I acquired this result that the starting time which is more effectual andsmoth for starting than whih is onestep shorter is necessary at starting.
3) According is the test of total in starting time 「CR」value is 3.956 (P<.01) So, we can understand that quite significan differnce follows only the standard ot 1% significance.
4) According to the test of total to running distance of 20m, 「CR」value is 7.433(P<.01). So we can understand that quit significant difference follows the standard of 1% significance.
5) As the result, at the starting, it is definite that the starling shape which is assumed by the method of mechanics is certainly effectal.
A study on the status of the gymnastics diffusion of city primary school (Ⅲ) 도시(都市) 국민학교(國民學校) 체조보급(體操普及)의 실제(實際)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)(Ⅲ) -시설(施設) 및 행정제도(行政制度) 면(面)을 중심(中心)으로-
鄭義權EuiKwunChung , 南宗憲JongHunNam
16(0) 101-108, 1978
A study on the status of the gymnastics diffusion of city primary school (Ⅲ) 도시(都市) 국민학교(國民學校) 체조보급(體操普及)의 실제(實際)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)(Ⅲ) -시설(施設) 및 행정제도(行政制度) 면(面)을 중심(中心)으로-
鄭義權EuiKwunChung , 南宗憲JongHunNam
The purpose of this study is live lizing and expending in Gymanstice fased through understanding and analysising much trouble in diffusion of primary schools gymnastics, this study devices 3 parts about, (I) leaders. (II) The structure of students consciousness and gymnastics parts and (III) Institution and administrative organization.
Omitting the method because printing in details last The Korean Journal of Physical Education Vol 14. 15.
(1) All the faciliter are under the level of standards of ministry of Education, and so they are urgent tasks as items for the gymnastic development.
(2) We are not satisficed with the budget and cooperation of our authorites in diffusion of gymnastics, and so only the guide for developing items without any results should be discussed again.
(3) The attached table of all the items for the diffusion of gymnastics suggests that some lectures of gymnastics by teachers as well as many leaders and the expansion of facilites should he proramed, and so our authorities or school have a question for ever lasting plan.
(4) The counter-measure should he considered how to cope with any situation through the physical training of oil the children as well as their gymnastics, especially the expansion of the nursing facilities for them is important. And so we have some problems in administrative organization.
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A survey on the usage of terminology of difficulty Floor Exercise 마루운동의 난도용어(難度用語) 활용(活用)에 관(關)한 조사연구(調査硏究) -서울시내(市內) 고등학교(高等學校) 남자선수(男子選手)를 중심(中心)으로-
16(0) 109-125, 1978
A survey on the usage of terminology of difficulty Floor Exercise 마루운동의 난도용어(難度用語) 활용(活用)에 관(關)한 조사연구(調査硏究) -서울시내(市內) 고등학교(高等學校) 남자선수(男子選手)를 중심(中心)으로-
By this time, Korean Gymnastics Association and Education Authority have studied the terms used for gymnastics and unified them on the school text, and them they have directed to all levels of school. But mony were confused to use a certain term on a action differently.
The status quo of how to learn and how to use the terms of difficulty used for gymnastics has been studied on the bases of Floor Exercise, which is primary event gymnastics.
Its results produced by reference study and questionnaire are as follows;
1. Terms regulated by Gymnastic Association and ducation Authority are not used at all, and coaches and teachers are usually using the foreign terms.
2. Even if the term are Korean speech, its way of expression is not spoken in Korean when the term is long and complicated.
3. Japanese terms are most prevalent even among foreign terms, and the unification of termino. lgy is absolutely needed.
4. The usage of easy and short terms are strongly suggested if they are our Korean terms or foreign ones.
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Research of kick, tackle in Rugby football game Rugby Foot Ball 경기시 Kick 과 Tackle 에 관한 조사연구 - 3군사관학교 정기전을 중심으로 -
16(0) 127-132, 1978
Research of kick, tackle in Rugby football game Rugby Foot Ball 경기시 Kick 과 Tackle 에 관한 조사연구 - 3군사관학교 정기전을 중심으로 -
This is the report of Rug by Foot Ball which the reporter has studied through 3 games of the Korean Service Academies Regular league in 1977
1. In the game, each team had eoveragely 40.5kicks, 49.8% by stand of half covering 20.2 time what is the most times, 90.1% by Hooker and Right prop Forward arid 90.9% by backs.
2. To tackle of to be tackled for each team was 21 times, 3.8 times, it tackled to left center three quater backs that is the most times who also tackled 3.7 times, Hocker was not tackled, forward was tackled 22.9% backs 77.1% forward tackled 37.1% backs 62.9%
Key Words
CONTINUOUS STUDY OF EXPRESSIVE MOVEMENT -Centering on the Ribbon Movement of New Physical Exercises- 표현운동 분석의 계속적 연구(Ⅲ) - 신체조의 Ribbon 운동을 중심으로 -
16(0) 133-142, 1978
CONTINUOUS STUDY OF EXPRESSIVE MOVEMENT -Centering on the Ribbon Movement of New Physical Exercises- 표현운동 분석의 계속적 연구(Ⅲ) - 신체조의 Ribbon 운동을 중심으로 -
The New Physical Exercises searching for the new movement has been adding to its value day by day in the world movement as an expreeive movement and as an art physical exercises that causes life.
In our country, the supply has been spurred more and more due to the performance of New Physical Exercises performed by Japanese team.
This study is of expressive movement through New Physical Exercises, and by studying on the Ribbon movement text to the Hoop and Ball movement, the efficiency of physical exercises through beautiful rhythm can be elevated, and at the same time the capacity of his own expression shall be brought up. And 30 college girl students who have been studying at Dept. at Dept. Exercises & Sducation, Teachers College, Kyungook National University have been surveyed an an object of study.
The results are as follows :
1. Ribbon movement 7an be classified as Bounce, Circular, Wave, Spiral, Toss and Catch, Jump, Balance movement, etc.
(Picture next page)
2. As a result of test after performing Ribbon movement, the results are as follows in order : Bounce, Balance, Jump, Toss and Catch, Wave, Spiral motion and so on.
3. The structure of expressive movement through Ribbon movement can be analyzed as follows :
1st Step : The analysis of Ribbon movement and practice of each item
2nd Step : Structure of individual movement which has been disp played of creative ability
3rd Step : Paying attention to technical place, the beautiful movement in plane and cubic space by uss of the characteristics of Ribbon movement can be expressed.
4. Comparing Ribbon movement with Hoop and Ball movement. Ribbon movement has been emphasized wish motive pararelled line, and wave and Spiral movement have been peculiar, and the beauty of contour and movement emphasized of flowing to the last of Ribbon are quite characteristic.
5. The students who have been majoring in dancing as M=2.20 have obtained the highest degree of comprehension and expressive movement through Ribbon movement.
6. Pertaining to the structure of expressive movement through Ribbon movement the circular movement has born the highest in practice frequency as 20.57% and the Toss and Catch, Wave, Spiral, Jump, Bounce, Balance movement are in order.
7. The expressive movement in space movement of plane has been the highest in parctice frequency as 32.40% from the center position and there have appeared many in the diagonal line movement and C. C. W. type.
Key Words
A Study on the Factors to Determine the Social Acceptance, Personality Traits and Social Adaptation <부록(附錄)> 운동선수집단(運動選手集團)의 사회성(社會性) 형성요인(形成要因)과 적응문제(適應問題)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)
16(0) 143-172, 1978
A Study on the Factors to Determine the Social Acceptance, Personality Traits and Social Adaptation <부록(附錄)> 운동선수집단(運動選手集團)의 사회성(社會性) 형성요인(形成要因)과 적응문제(適應問題)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)
1. Pvrpose
The purpose of this research is to find the social factors to determine social acceptance, and to analyzed the personality traits and the social adaptation in 5 sports team (gymnastic exercises, athletic sports (tract and field), table-tennis, backetball and football teams).
II. Problem
a) The social factors to determine social acceptance are founded and analyzed by the sociometric devices.
b) The social distance between such sports team members is analyzed by the number rating scale.
c) The group coherence arid the group intergration between the sports teams are compared and analyzed.
d) The personality traits of the sports teams are found and analyzed.
e) The social adaptability of the sports teams are analyzed.
III. Method
This research started on April 1, and finished on Dec. 31, 1973. The subjects were compose of 454 members in sports teams and 371 in general students. Such subject was administrated to test the Sociometric Devices, Personality Test and Standardized Adaptation Test.
IV. Conclusion
a) In middle school sports teams were appeared to choice the only mam-member of their teams who had the high degree of the social acceptability and those of low degree. But in college these trends were decreased.
b) The basketball and football team were high degree than other teams in social distance. This trend might be established in the sport`s traits itselves.
c) The most important elements to determine the social acceptability were caused by personality factors. The football and football teams were commonly cause the responsibility and activity of personality traits and the cooperation to perform group tasks.
d) The personality traits of sportsman are active, impulsive and sociable. Specially the backetball and football teams are more active and responsible than other teams.
e) The male sportsmen have been the serious Problems for their schools. The female sportsman have been the serious problems for her future and male.